Writing a PhD research proposal - Here’s what should be included

A research proposal is a formal document advancing an original point of view supported by the research.In general, the purpose of research proposal is to establish the context for the study, to demonstrate the need for a study, to illustrate how the study will address the need during the appropriate research methods and provide the assurances that participation will not harm participants.Before proceeding the full scale research efforts, novice researchers must often submit proposals that allow more experienced researchers must often submit proposals that allow more experienced researchers to see how novice researchers might communicate the rationale and content for an study to an interested audience.At many universities proposals are used to justify and gain approval for research to be completed graduate students enrolled in advanced-degree programs.


Although proposals vary in content and scope ,they often contain three chapters, introduction, review of literature, and method-and supporting materials.


The first chapter usually begins with an overview of the research problem.The researcher provides a natural progression of ideas and constructs that culminates with the purpose of the study.This section is followed by a description of the limitations and limitations of the study and any assumptions or unique definitions that describe,clarify, or elaborate the work that will be done. Limitations are the boundaries of research as it is being proposed and includes such information as the case being investigated and a brief description of characteristics.Limitations are factors that may affect the result of study and that are generally beyond the control of researcher.Assumptions are preliminary belief that are made about the study in general. This section of chapter one places the research into a context that supports confidence in the likelihood that it will be completed as planned and will provide the answers to the questions under investigation.Definitions of formal terms or construct central to the research are included before a brief section in which the researcher summarizes the key aspects of the study that have been presented in the first chapter.

Review of literature

The second chapter usually begins with a paragraph in which the researcher describes the contents of the review of literature .The chapter is usually divided into labelled subsections illustrating the broad topics being addressed .It ends with a summary of the knowledge base that serves justification for the study.


The method chapter of the proposal includes a brief description of the contents.This is followed by sections addressing preliminary or pilot-study work ,if appropriate .The bulk of this chapter involves descriptions of expected participants, settings and planned procedures ,including methods for information collection and planned analyses .It concludes with a brief summary.


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