Academic Counselling Service

Ask for the wisdom you wish to get!

As a research candidate at the University level, you are not always equipped with all the answers in your mind, and thus you need to hear an expert’s words for your queries. While you may not receive sufficient guidance from your supervisor or fellow researchers, our counsellors answer all the little or major issues in your mind.

We Listen. We Help.

Affordable counselling for your Master’s and PhD research.

  • Inform about all the recent updates on the research area.
  • Guides you with the efficient writing tips.
  • Helps you with the selection of the topic.
  • Provides statistical guidance on the recent tools and techniques.
  • Aids in the stage of collection of data with the suitable methodology.
  • Counsels in the data analysis stage.
Academic Counselling Service

3487 Problems Answered

Academic Counselling Service


Academic Counselling Service




What do we do?

We ofWe offer guidance on every type of issue that may occur at the time of your research. Whether you want advice for a relevant research design or want to develop a tool for the collection of the data, we are always here to provide result-oriented solutions to you. Our Academic Counselling Service in South Africa gives consultations on a personal level to every scholar that needs help. We assign a counsellor who possesses knowledge about your academic area and topic to assist you with the right information in your subject.

Our counsellors will guide with useful document writing tips, offering consultation on your subject and area regardless of the choice of the topic you settled for the research. Our Academic Counselling Service in South Africa will also guide you with the setting of your problem, variable, and hypotheses. Apart from assisting in theory, the counsellor will guide you with the statistical knowledge and help you in choosing the apt tools and techniques for the analysis of the data. Then, you can take the help of our professional writers to break the barriers in your research work.

Get A Quote

Do not wait to ask for help and guidance, write to us with your requirements and queries at and ask the counsellor for the help.

Send us a request at or call us at 0027 10 141 0033 Our team is always ready to help you and will respond within 24 hours to provide you with the solution.