Essentials of a good questionnaire

Explain the essential of good questionnaire:

To be successful ,questionnaire should be comparatively short and simple i.e., the size of the questionnaire should be kept to the minimum Questions should proceed in logical sequence moving from easy to more difficult questions.Personal and intimate questions should be left to the end .Technical terms and vague expressions capable of different interpretations should be avoided in a questionnaire. Questions may be dichotomous, multiple choice or open ended.The latter type of questions often difficult to analyse and hence should be avoided in a questionnaire to the extent possible.There should be some control questions in the questionnaires which indicate the reliability of the respondent

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For instance, a question designed to determine the particular material may be asked .first in terms of final expenditure and later in terms of weight.The control questions, thus, introduce a cross-check to see whether the information collected is correct or not .Questions affecting the respondents should be avoided .Adequate space for the answers can be provided in the questionnaire to help editing and tabulation. There should always be provisions for indications of uncertainty ,e.g, : do not know,” “no preference”,and so on.

Brief descriptions with regard to filling up and questionnaires should invariably be given the questionnaire itself .Finally, the physical appearance of the questionnaire effects the cooperation the researcher receives from the recipients and as such an attractive looking questionnaire ,particularly in mail surveys,is a plus point for enlisting cooperation.The quality of the paper , along with its colour,must be good so that it may attract the attention of recipients. Nowadays, the usage of the internet is quite popular in collecting the data. Questionnaires are sent through emails to randomly or purposely selected peoples.

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