7 Tips To Edit The Final Draft of Your Research Work Just Before Submission

Research paper submission is a huge task. This task needs to have a structured and well planned set of ideas so that all your thoughts are cohesively put across. Here are some quite helpful tips which will make sure that your final edits done to your research paper are worth the efforts:

The Introduction

It has to be straight to the point and very much clear. Beating about the bush cannot work with introductions. When you introduce the readers to your paper you have to put in all the relevant points and lock the sentences effectively.

Supportive Evidences

The following paragraphs should carry a supportive and specifically ideal evidence or scheme that would design the whole intention of the work. All the sentences should carry the answers of the questions which the readers would be having in their mind with suitable examples and well investigated theories.

Forming A Complete Circle

Introduction and conclusion should form the two ends of a discussion and they should meet in the end with all the proper justifications that prove all the experiments and hypothesis, right. Even if you are proved wrong at some point, inculcate those as findings and keep the record.

Grave Words, A No -No 

Overuse of heavy cluttering word will make your paper seem ague when read. To avoid this while editing replace some confusing words with simpler ones from your vocabulary and set the sentences likewise. Also trusting grammar check and online vocab tools for that wouldn’t be advisable. The real judge would be you and your guide, while reading your entire paper again and again till it makes you feel satisfied.

Include Others

Polishing your papers to make it sound clear and comprehensive is called editing and one should do that with the help of others too. When you make corrections take into considerations the essential suggestions even by your fellow students. Even when they read your arguments, they should be able to understand the basis of your work.

The Citations and References

When you allot citations to the sentences they should coincide with the given reference numbers. These numbers always need a double check, whatsoever. The sources provided are also scrutinized by the reviewers and as a student you won’t like to give them this opportunity, right?

Don’t Get Away From Edits

Do not try to move away from editing. Many students tend to have an escapism mentality served for it but then let us make it loud and clear that editing your final draft of the research paper is always necessary. Before submission, make sure you do end up with the right number of words and good edits so that your work looks fresh and apt.

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